
Estas son las trampas del régimen de Nicolás Maduro para retener el poder en Venezuela

These are the traps of Nicolás Maduro’s regime to retain power in Venezuela 

julio 26, 2024

* All the scenarios presented by reputable surveys show the opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia surpassing Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela.  ** Even moderate chavistas see the need for change, and very few of Nicolás Maduro’s sympathizers are willing to vote.  […]

Former President Luis Guillermo Solis: China leaves a "bittersweet" taste in Costa Rica

Former President Luis Guillermo Solís: China leaves a «bittersweet» taste in Costa Rica

julio 11, 2024

* The case study: Chinese influence in Costa Rica, prepared by the research center Expediente Abierto, analyzes aspects related to the «predatory practices of some Chinese companies» in that country. ** In the context of that report, former Costa Rican […]

Costa Rica bajo permanente mega déficit comercial con China  

Costa Rica under permanent mega trade deficit with China  

julio 9, 2024

*Costa Rican relations with the People’s Republic of China are «eminently negative in different sectors,» mainly trade, concludes a study by the think tank Expediente Abierto.   **Costa Rica has a deficit of almost 90% in trade with China.  ***China, according […]

Empresas chinas podrán explotar 222 mil hectáreas mineras en Nicaragua

Chinese companies will be able to exploit 222,000 mining hectares in Nicaragua

mayo 3, 2024

* Without knowing the environmental impact studies, Daniel Ortega’s regime handed over large areas in western Nicaragua and the Caribbean to three Chinese companies for mining exploitation. ** The arrival of Chinese companies in the Caribbean causes concern among environmentalists […]

Ortega-Murillo Regime Exports Repression Using Costa Rican Banks

Ortega-Murillo Regime Exports Repression Using Costa Rican Banks

abril 17, 2024

*Financial persecution is transnationalized through the regional financial system.   **Dozens of accounts of opponents and organizations have been closed in Costa Rica.  ***The regime uses Nicaragua’s private banks to prevent organizations from accessing funds through lists of banned clients shared […]

Financial Repression: How the Ortega-Murillo Regime Uses Banks to Sabotage Opponents

How the Ortega Murillo Regime Uses Banks to Sabotage Opponents

abril 16, 2024

* Operations against Nicaraguan opponents and civil society organizations include not only the confiscation of assets, but also accounts, savings, and deposits involving private banks. **Expediente Público asked the banks to clarify how many accounts they closed by order of […]